Mundie Moms

Sunday, April 22, 2012

City of Fallen Angels Read-A-Long Day 5: Hell Calls Hell

Welcome to Day 5 of the City of Fallen Angels Read-A-Long. You can follow the entire read-a-long and find each of the day's posts here. Remember there's no right or wrong way to participate. Your comments can be as long or a short as you'd like them to be. You can answer one or each of the questions asked, it's totally up to you, BUT, in order to be entered into the COLS giveaway (which you also had to sign up to win), you do need to be actively participating in the read-a-long. 

Today's discussion is about: Chapter 5: Hell Calls Hell
  • Luke mentions to Simon that Camille is not only an extraordinarily old vampire (which we already know from reading the Infernal Devices series), but she's "famously cruel and cunning". Do you have any guesses on what she would want with Simon?
  • So Jace.... is it just me or did you guys think he was a little moody in this chapter? I'm curious about Simon's observation about him, when Jace was looking at Clary with the sort of look you might give someone you loved but could never, ever hand. He questions why Jace would look at her that way now. What do you guys think? Is he just being moody or is Jace letting his nightmares get to him?
  • The end of this chapter was a bit interesting with those guys trying to kill Simon, Jace saving Simon and Simon's mark apparently has a power all it's own and protects Simon from death. Do you think the mark could make Simon and more powerful vampire than both Camille and Raphael? 

Please DO NOT POST SPOILERS. There's some fans who are joining the read-a-long who are reading COFA for the first time. 

COLS Trending
Following with our TMI Twitter Trend until COLS is out, we'll be trending #SaveJace! Our first week we got to #1, and last week we got TMI to trend at #2. Let's see if we can get to #1 again. Be sure to join in the fun tomorrow!!


  1. *I thought she wanted to use Simon as a weapon since he has the mark. Besides against Raphael and stuff, I was thinking she had other plans too.

    *I thought that Jace was very haunted by his nightmares, and like he had said, Clary can read him pretty well. He doesn't want her to know about them and is trying to avoid her.

    *I think that the mark makes Simon very powerful whether he wants the power or not. Adding to that, he is a daylighter too.

    Wow these are kind of hard to answer when it's not your first read though. :)

  2. Camille wants Simon to do her bidding because he is invincible and he is a Daylighter. Simon could be a very powerful ally, and Camille (I think) wants to train Simon and see just how powerful he truly is since Simon is unschooled in using his powers.

    I think Jace is letting the nightmares get to him. Plus he is sleep deprived which isn't helping his moods (he has dark circles under his eyes). Also, I do think that there is something to what Luke said, too, about Jace's being nervous in a bridal shop. I did not dismiss it like Clary and Simon did.

    Simon should be more powerful, given his curse. But he is at a disadvantage now because he does not understand his powers and he does not know much about being a vampire.

  3. She probably wants Simon to do something for her that she can't do on her own. Perhaps something dangerous. Or maybe she just wants a vampire that has the mark of Cain.

    Jace is definitely back to his broody, moody self. I don't like it but I guess it's on account of his dreams. There's definitely something bothering him.

    I think the Mark makes him both more powerful and more vulnerable. I mean, yes it protects him from bad people but let's say someone accidentally hurts him. Even just a small pinch would break the "attacker's" arm. He has to be extra careful around people.

  4. So I don't trust Camille much more than the Queen. Everyone wants Simon on their side because no one can kill him - perfect way to regain her control over the Vamps.

    As for Jace, yeah he's so tortured in this chapter. I do think the dreams are getting to him. Maybe he's thinking that he really can't have Clary and it's killing him. I know he's trying to protect her by staying away - protect her from him. That has to break his heart. And he can't tell her why because that would be total torture. He makes me hurt in this chapter.

    You know Jace defends Simon because that's who he is. Maybe he realizes how hard it is on Simon to have the curse work to protect him or maybe it's his instinct - either way it's classic Jace.


  5. *Camille wants power. Simon is very powerful even if he doesn't know it, Camille wants to be able to control Simon so she can benefit from That power.
    *Jace doesn't seem like himself. Maybe Luke was right when he said the bridal shop made Jace Nervous. Maybe all the white reminded him of Max's death.

  6. I think that she want to use Simon as a weapon (because of the mark and the fact that he can walk in the sun).

    Yup. Jace acted like an "angst-ridden teenager". I do think the nightmares are getting to him.

    I think that the mark makes Simon very powerful, but I thik that he will try to find a way to get rid of this power.

  7. Maybe all Camille wants is to take Raphael's position which once belonged to her, and in order for that to happen she needs Simon?_? When Jace acted like that, I remembered that I can be like that when in a relationship hahahaXD, but yeah he was moody and rude to Clary, I think it was not a good day for him hehehe. I'm really liking Simon a lot, maybe with the Mark he can be a more powerful vampire than any other. He will need to learn how to control the oower of the Mark.

    May all of you have wonderful day=)

  8. Camille has a power play in mind....who she is going after I'm not sure...Raphael maybe...or someone bigger...Simon is her pawn...she wants to use his abilities

    Poor Jace is tearing himself apart and treating Clary horribly...his dreams have him so worried that he could hurt Clary...he is trying to protect her....just wish he would talk to her...togethor maybe they could figure out

    Simon's mark is a very powerful thing...hope it is explored more....but it makes Simons path harder...he may have to wander like Cain..


  9. I think Simon could be king of all Vampires if he wanted but that is not his personality. I think Camille Just wants to use him to keep her safe so she can stay in power.

  10. So, did anyone else notice that when Simon compares Maia and Isabelle, he does it the same way Tessa compares Will and Jem in TID? Maia is a steady light, like Jem, while Izzy is a burning star, like Will. Just thought it was interesting.

    As for Jace, I just want to shake him at this point. Yes, horrible stuff has happened/is happening to him, but the world does not revolve around him, no matter how much we wish it did. I understand him hurting, and I love seeing his vulnerable side, but by now he should know how his actions affect Clary. He's got to realize that his moodiness is only ok if it doesn't hurt the people around him.

    1. No I didn't, but that's interesting! Now I'm going to go re-read that. Thanks for pointing that out.

  11. I remember the first time I read this being really confused about what Camille would want with Simon. There's something sinister about him, but she can't hurt him, and she must know he wouldn't anything bad for her. But obviously she doesn't just want to be vampire friends. It's very confusing

    As for Jace, he is irritating me so much at this point. He just needs to talk to Clary and tell her what's going on. She can handle it. Or at least tell someone! Ask for help instead of punishing himself like he always does.

  12. I think Camille wants Simon for a vampire shield, and to tie in with the last question I believe that Rafael and Camille are little worried about how powerful Simon's mark is.

    Jace has given into his nightmares, and let them take over his life. He's avoiding Clary like the plague and in turn is destroying their relationship. He's got to fix this, at this point he's just proving the Seelie queens point.

    1. I agree, I think one of the reasons why Camille wants Simon is to use him as a shield for herself.

  13. I think Camille wants Simon to fight for her in case any of her enemies come after her. Everyone wants Simon on their side, but he has to make the right decision and choose the right one. I think Simons power does make him more powerfull, even though he hasn't lived as long as Camille. And jace.... Hummmmmm his nightmares are really getting to him., and he is moody all the time. Applause to have for saving Simon even though now we know he doesn't need much help in that department. Over all this was a really great chapter.

  14. I believe the quote says she is extremely old and powerful (as I have once again loaded out my book, I can’t quote exacts, but I’m pretty sure Luke said something like this.) So power draws power is my assumption.
    Jace didn’t seem moody to me. He seemed angry and hateful to Simon but he seemed super lovey to Clary without actually talking to her I might add. I dunno. He’s flippy depending on who he’s with. I thought his snarky-ness was a bit off though.
    Simon. Simon, Simon, Simon. I don’t think he is necessarily more powerful than either of them. I didn’t really think that Raphael was very powerful though. Anyway, I think Simon is as powerful but is powerful in a different way.

    You didn’t mention my favorite part!!! The Dress. I thought the whole scene in the dress shop was funny with Maia and Simon, sweet family-ish with Luke and Jocelyn, super perfect with Clary and Jace.
    And wasn’t it perfect irony Hell calls Hell, dresses. Funny. I liked it.

    1. I quoted exactly what Luke said. My guess Cassie choose those words for a reason to convey to readers just how powerful Camille really is.

  15. I think Simon could be the most powerful vampire, more powerful than Camille and Raphael, if he would learn how to use his powers and especially how to be a vampire at all, his needs, his hunger, etc..

  16. My guess was that Camille wants to use Simon as a weapon. Since he can't be killed, the other vampires would more than likely being scared to come up against him or her if he was on her side.

    I can understand why Jace is so moody. He's never felt worthy of being with Clary, especially when they thought they were siblings. Him being moody about Clary isn't a surprise, and I think he's feeling unworthy of her and letting his dreams get to him.

    Simon's Mark of Cain. I think that does make him pretty powerful, in the eyes of the other vampires. He can't be touched. But I guess the better question is if he plans to use that to his advantage.

  17. THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to comment! Though I've not had a chance to reply to everyone individually, I've enjoyed reading each of your comments.

  18. Sorry for the late comment -

    I think that Simon's mark and his ability to walk in daylight makes him a HUGE threat to Camille. He's virtually unstoppable.

    The scene with Jace was interesting, but I think that Jace's previous feelings about love coupled with his dreams are making him question his ability to care for anyone.

  19. Camille loves power and being on top of everyone else. I think she would use Simon for a lot of things. Mostly to do business so she wouldn't need to be in harm's way. Being able to walk in daylight would come in handy and also because Simon wears the Mark of Cain and everyone fears that. Camille could easily use Simon for practically anything she wants.
    I think Jace is starting to let his nightmares rule his life. Even when he was moody he could never stay away from Clary. I think he is keeping his distance from her for a reason, and that reason being so she stays safe. Jace knows he would never hurt Clary but he isn't going to test that theory, but at the same time being away from her is definitely putting Jace in worse moods than normal.
    The Mark of Cain definitley makes Simon more powerful than Camille and Raphael. Both are very old and that makes them stronger, but they can still be killed. Simon on the other hand can not. So this makes Simon the most powerful vampire.

  20. There are so many things that poor Simon has to worry about in City of Fallen Angels. I just want to hug him throughout the entire book.
    Jace is obviously not himself and he's scared. It's only going to get more intense... surprise, surprise ;)

  21. Hmmm.What does Camille want with Simon,I don't know but it can't be good..maybe something to do with gaining power.Jace is letting his nightmare get to him.Yes I think Simon's mark can make him a more powerful vampire than Camille or Raphael.

  22. (still catching up here)
    Camille wants Simon for a variety of reasons in my opinion. 1-just to say she has him.
    2-as a shield
    3-a weapon. i think there is more to this raphael/camille situation

    Jace was channeling his inner Will Herondale here to me. As I said before, he's made me squirmish since the beginning (I feel like he's gonna go New Moon on Clary lol-it's the only way I can explain it)

  23. Jace's coolness bothers me in this book as well. I keep screeming "TALK TO SOMEBODY!!!!" Simon needs to learn more about himself and what exactly being a vampire entails. If he's going to stay on top and not become a pawn he'll need to learn fast. I'm glad he is talking. I know it's not in Jace's character to ask or talk when he needs help.

  24. I think that the mark can make Simon powerful and that maybe that mark is going to make Simon a more important character in the series

