Mundie Moms

Friday, October 14, 2011

Snippet of a Lost Scene in Clockwork Angel

William Herondale and Jem Carstairs by blindbandit5

Just in time for our Clockwork Angel Read-a-Long, Cassie tweeted a portion of a lost scene from Clockwork Angel:

   Set between the prologue and chapter one of Clockwork Angel.
   Jem unhitched his arms from his cane and sighed. “You know I believe we are reborn,” he said quietly. “I think if two souls are meant to be together, they will remain together on the Wheel and be together again in the life after this one.”
   “Is that an official teaching or something you invented yourself?” Will asked.
    Jem laughed. “Does it matter?”
   Will looked at him curiously. “Do you think we will be together again?” At the change in Jem’s expression, he added, “I mean, is there a chance for me? To have another life after this, a better one?”
I hear you guys, sighing along with me. Will. Jem. Jem. Will. Parabatai. How many days until Clockwork Prince's release? *glances up at ticker*


  1. ...i love this and it breaks my heart to think they both love Tessa </3

  2. MMs - You forgot *sigh*....Ah Jem.... ;)

    Imperio - Doesn't it??? Such a great story.

  3. Jem is my favorite but Will is breaking my heart here! *sigh* I love this little scene between these two. Too bad it was cut.

