Mundie Moms

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

WINGS Read Along- Chapters 5-7

Welcome to Day 2 in our Wings Read Along! If you haven't already, please be sure to download your FREE ebook of Wings from one of these sites here- Today we're talking about Chapters 4-7.

1) Chapters 4-5 Laurel discovers her bump. Would you have reacted the same why Laurel did if you discovered something like that? If not, what would you have thought or done?

2) Chapter 6- David's reaction. I was a little stunned at David's reaction to Laurel's discovery. I thought he would have freaked out acted in a different manner, but at the same time, I think his reaction says a lot about his character. What do you guys think? How would you have reacted if someone you cared about came to you and told you they have a flower on their back?

3) Chapter 7- Banes & the property. What are your first thoughts about Banes and Laurel's parent's property? When I first read this I was totally intrigued about the property.

I apologize this was posted late. I had a huge post with better question than the ones I just posted all made up for this morning and blogger freaked out and my post was deleted. If you have any question or comments about what we've read so far, please let me know!

Tomorrow we'll be chatting about Chapters 8-11


  1. 1. I think when I noticed it getting bigger so fast I would have said something to my mother again--that just isn't normal as we all found out! :)

    2. I think I would definitely be more freaked out than David was. David is a good friend to her though, and has been supportive. Still I would have seriously freaked and not known for sure what to do. I wouldn't have pushed her away or anything, I just would be extremely worried about her.

    3. I admit, the whole thing about the property fascinated me. Banes is clearly interested, but you know there is more to the property than there seems. Papers disappearing, people randomly showing up, no one being able to sell it etc... I also suspect that it may have more to do with Laurel's origins than she thinks. Banes was kind of creepy too--Banes is a good name for a bad guy. I don't know if it will go there, but that is my prediction. I have never read this book before, so this was just speculation.

  2. 1) With everything Laurel's mom knows about homeopathic medicine, if I was Laurel, I definitely would've told my mom. That being said, with the mother I actually have I definitely would NOT have told her at Laurel's mom had a penchant for gossiping and I just know half the neighborhood would've found a way to peek through our third-story window to have a look at my "bump." I probably would've told my sister in the end. Since Laurel doesn't have a sister, she does the next best thing -- tells her "best friend" David.

    2) I was pretty surprised at David's somewhat subdued reaction to Laurel's flower. I think I would've told Laurel to tell her parents. I liked David's reaction though, how open-minded he was about it and how he just saw it as pretty and unique.

    3) I definitely feel that the property is going to have something to do with who or what Laurel truly "is." I was calling Banes "Barnes" this whole time, clearly I read it a little too

    Looking forward to the next chapters...

  3. I definitely have to agree with you about telling my mother--whenever I told her anything it was always broadcast to her coworkers and then eventually my friends. My friends and I had a saying "don't telephone, tell a mom." :)

  4. I'm loving this chat!!

    I probably wouldn't have said anything right away about the bump and tried to figure it out myself.

    David's reaction totally surprised me, which has already made me wonder if there's something else about him we don't know. I'm wrong for saying this, but I seriously thing there's something about David. Watch, I'm going to be way off on that.

  5. 1) I thought it odd that Laurel did not mention the 'bump' to her parents. Earlier it is mentioned that her mother is very holistic in her approach to illness so why would Laurel think they would freak-out and rush her to a hospital? That didn't sit well with me. Teens keep secrets, but as the bump grew I think even a secretive teen would have caved and fessed-up to their parents.

    2) David's reaction to Laurel's blossom was exactly as I expected given the nature of his character thus far. He seems very calm about everything as if he is watching and learning all he can about Laurel...hmmmmm. Or maybe he has seen this before??!!??

    3) The whole Banes/property situation sent up a red flag to me. He kept asking if the property ever had trespassers and that made me take note, like he knows there is something more there. He seems like a shady character. The property definitely is linked to Laurel--where she was left as a child, where she grew-up and could be watched from afar by those who left her, maybe. The property is significant in some way and I'm sure we will find out soon enough!

    These are great questions!! :) This is my first read along and I'm enjoying the process.


  6. 1) I don't know what I would have done, freaked out is the only answer that comes to mind. Maybe I would have told my parents, but I'm not sure, I would be scared as Laurel was.

    2) I loved his reaction! You could tell he was completely baffled at was he was looking at but he did his best to stay calm and try to help Laurel. I do agree with what you said about his reaction saying a lot about his character. I like how much knowledge of science he has and how he's doing his best for Laurel :') I was waiting for him to blurt out he was faerie or something, I suspect he has something to do with the supernatural side of this story! Or maybe I'm wrong I don't know.

    Well if one of my friends came up to be and told me she/he had a flower growing on his/her I would have fallen into shock. I mean, it's an incredible thing to happen to someone, I would have probably taken them to the doctor too.

    3) BARNES IS SHADY!!!! And that property too...maybe there's something magical about it. It was just too strange how the papers were lost TWICE and that woman completely forgot about wanting to buy the house...SMELLS LIKE A SPELL TO ME!

  7. I'm TOTALLY WAY LATE POSTING (actually because I've been out of town meeting Saundra Mitchell =) but since I've been stopping and thinking it through at the appropriate times I thought I'd still chime in at each checkpoint.

    It's fun to hear the discussion and predictions as I am a re-reader and so I know how close some of those speculations are and how far off with others. I'm trying really hard to think back to my initial reactions.

    1) I KNOW I would have told my parents. But I'm a total mommy's and daddy's girl and always have been. It was trouble in the first few years of my marriage actually when I would hide in the closet to call and make sure my dad had the same opinion as my husband on seemingly critical (most likely frivolous) happenings!

    2) I was thrilled with David's reaction as well. I love how well the whole science-loving-angle ended up working out in this part of the story!

    3) Funny...that's at least 3 of us who's brain's automatically converted Banes to Barnes! I think my first time through, I didn't put a whole lot of thought into the property. I probably assumed it had significance, and was intrigued by the frightening description of the prospective purchaser, but all in all I'm always FAR MORE caught up in any romantic tingle (no matter how small.)

  8. ((Sorry, I'm a few days behind in this. Catching up today and tomorrow!))

    1.) Absolutely not. I felt she was much too calm. Maybe not when first discovering the bump, but, once it had grown so quickly, she did not react at all in the way I would have. I would have screamed, at least. Then rushed to tell someone, a parent, a doctor, someone, anyone!

    Not only that, but, why has she not thought about what this means for the people she is really related to. She knows she was just dropped off from seemingly no where. Shouldn't she be wondering if her mother or other family members are like this?

    2.) Though this might seem hypocritical, I did like David's reaction. And, though he wasn't as shocked as I would have been from someone telling and showing me that, he did react in the manner I would have being a friend (if not more) to the person this is happening to.

    3.) I'm not really all that interested in the property. It's not all that hyped up. I am, however, interested in the guy that will be putting an offer in on it, supposedly. He seems creepy, weird. I immediately pictured him looking like The Great Khali.

