Mundie Moms

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hare Moon By Carrie Ryan

April 5th was a huge release day for a lot of fabulous books and Carrie Ryan's ebook, Hare Moon was one of them. I some how had no idea this was being released until I received a lovely little email from Random House about it. Here's a little bit about Hare Moon:

HARE MOON: An Original Forest of Hands and Teeth Story is set in the barricaded village of The Forest of Hands and Teeth, but takes place years before the novel began. Tabitha, an adult character in the first book, is a teenager who dreams for there to be more to her world. This desire pushes her to sneak past her village gates and into the Forest of Hands and Teeth where the undead reach for her from beyond the fence. And where she meets Patrick, who proves there is life beyond her village. HARE MOON answers questions about how Tabitha the teenager became Sister Tabitha of The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Readers will live through the gruesome moment when she realizes just how much she’ll have to give up to live and love among the Unconsecrated.

HARE MOON: An Original Forest of Hands and Teeth Story is now available wherever ebooks are sold. For more information about Carrie Ryan and the series, visit (Quoted & used with permission from Random House)

I am a huge fan of Carrie's series and I'm really looking forward to reading this book! Be sure to go and grab your ebook of Hare Moon and let us know what you think!


  1. I just received this from NetGalley! I absolutely LOVE Carrie Ryan. The Dark and Hollow Places was my favorite out of the series.
    Have a great day!
    (Currently reading City of Fallen Angels...EEEE!)

  2. Oh, my gosh! I am off to go find this! :-)

  3. I downloaded this one today! This is one of my favorite series so I'm looking forward to having just a little more time with it.

  4. I just finished reading this story two days ago. But I read it in Kiss Me Deadly: 13 Tales of Paranormal Love.
    Are they the same thing or is the Hare Moon being sold online longer than the short story in Kiss Me Deadly?

  5. We are huge Carrie Ryan fans as well!!

    Guen- I'm not sure if it's the same length from Kiss Me Deadly or not. I'll let you know when I find out. :) Great question!

