Mundie Moms

Friday, July 9, 2010

Darkest Mercy Cover is Revealed!

Melissa Marr just tweeted the cover and a brief explanation:
"This is . . . well, almost the final cover. The vines are still wrong, but the effects are in place now. I love it. Please, meet Donia (portrayed by Linda) on the cover of the final WICKED LOVELY book . . . LOVE the steam & sunlight. "

You can read Melissa's complete post on her blog. In the mean time, isn't the cover gorgeous and such a nod to Wicked Lovely?


  1. I had a feeling that was Donia! ^.^ LOVE! So gorgeous! I think this one is my favorite out of all of them! XD

  2. Isn't it beautiful??? I love it!! Just love it. Especially because it's such a nod to Wicked Lovely.

  3. I love this cover. They've done a great job with all of her covers for this series. I can't wait to read it.

  4. KatieB (Mundie Moms) - I love the WL cover the most and this is my second favorite. And yes, they've done a wonderful job with all of them.

    Chapter Chicks - I love the colors and the flower and well, all of it!

  5. I love the WL cover too. I think it's going to be a tie for me between this one and the WL. The artist has done a brilliant job with the covers.

  6. Holy WOW!!!! OMG OMG OMG. Now this is what a book needs on its cover!! I know nothing about this series other than its fairies but because of this cover alone I will be buying all the books in hardback copy! Publishers... know the importance of good book covers!!!!

  7. OMG amazing last cover! Not to mention, it features my favorite WL character :)

  8. Anonymous - You will love it when you pick it up. I have to admit that the first book is still my favorite but they're all so good, overall.

    Marie - YAY. I know. I like her, as well.

